The MUD 364 Board is excited to announce an upcoming trail rehabilitation project!
The asphalt trail system was built in 2010 and is one of the community’s greatest assets. Sections of the trail have deteriorated over time and are now in need of significant repair. The District has engaged landscape architectural firm, Halff Associates, Inc., to design a new trail masterplan for MUD 364’s trails. Preliminary designs include replacing the asphalt trail with concrete and adding landscaping, trees, interpretative signage, benches, water fountains, and other features along the trail.
The total cost for all phases of the project is estimated to be $2.3 million, which will be paid out of the district’s general fund. Final costs are subject to change depending on the final design of the project and cost of construction and materials, among other factors.
Currently, we expect construction to begin in February 2024 be completed by the fall of 2024.
The Board will provide further updates and information here as the project proceeds!