c/o Polley Garza PLLC
2929 Allen Parkway, Suite 3450 • Houston, Texas 77019-7120
Board of Directors
Megan Bradley, President Holly Isbell, Vice President Dale R. Trevino, Secretary
Erin Corken, Investment Officer Lisa Foley, Assistant Secretary
November 21, 2023
Dear MUD 364 Customer,
Last month, the District received several inquiries regarding bills that reflected much higher usage than the customer expected. The District’s Operator, Municipal Operations & Consulting (MOC), researched the matter and discovered it had made errors that resulted in approximately 200 inaccurate bills. The MUD 364 Board of Directors would like to provide District customers with an update on how the errors occurred, what has been done to correct inaccurate bills, and steps MOC is taking to avoid this in the future.
In early October, MOC discovered one of its employees had likely falsified water meter readings for at least a portion of the District in July and August. To determine which customers were impacted, MOC manually re-read every water meter, audited all customer invoices, and analyzed customer historical usage data to identify inconsistencies. These steps were taken for all MUD 364 customers whether or not the customer had contacted the District or MOC about an unusually highwater bill. MOC identified approximately 200 impacted customers. These customers were sent a corrected invoice. Because some accounts were incorrectly underbilled in July and/or August, some customers ended up with a credit, while others had a balance.
MOC has assured the District that it has redressed all incorrect bills, but if you believe you were impacted, please contact MOC’s customer service department at 281-367-5511. MOC has read all water meters twice this month to verify the accuracy of initial reads, and compared the two new readings for accuracy. Fortunately, both reads were found to be accurate and dependable. Additionally, MOC has implemented safeguards in its billing/meter reading software and the process by which its employees manually read water meters.
The MUD 364 Board apologizes for the burden this has caused District customers. The Board remains committed to ensuring all customer concerns are adequately addressed.
Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 364 Board of Directors