New Fiber Line Installation Notice
Ezee Fiber is in the community installing fiber in the road right of way (ROW). This is the area in front of your home between the sidewalk and the street. Fiber is typically installed along the rear of the lot in the designated utility easements.
The ROW is owned by the County. MUD 364 cannot prevent work in the ROW and we have not received any notifications of how Ezee Fiber will progress through the community.
Of concern for all of us, including the MUD, is the amount of infrastructure located in the ROW.
Typical infrastructure includes, but is not limited to:
- Sewer lines
- Water lines
- Fire hydrants
- Water meters
- Sprinkler systems
- Subsurface drainage and shut off valves
- Driveways
- Sidewalks
Please assist us by reporting any issues/leaks immediately by contacting MUD 364’s operator, Municipal Operations and Consulting (MOC). Their 24-hour Customer service emergency phone number is (281) 367-5511.
The following information can be extremely helpful to the MUD in recovering damages for any damage caused by Ezee Fiber: date and time of crew seen performing work, description of vehicle, vehicle license plate, company logo on vehicle, and pictures of crews/vehicles performing the work.
If your personal property is damaged, please contact Laura Cantu with Ezee Fiber at, or 713-255-7500,