Trails Project2024-10-28T17:08:28-05:00

Trails Project Update – November 15, 2024

The Board has heard the community’s frustration with the progress of the Trail Improvement Project and provides the following update on the project schedule:

  • The trail rehabilitation project was originally intended to start over the summer. Unfortunately, we were unable to get the necessary permissions to begin work until the fall.
  • The sidewalk along Coles Crossing Drive (near Bowden Creek Drive) will be poured and reopened within the next week. The Board hopes this will alleviate pedestrian traffic to/from Sampson Elementary.
  • Before the trail was demolished, we had to make assumptions about the conditions of the ground beneath the trail. Our schedule and the subsequent trail closure was based on those assumptions. Once the contractor removed the existing trail, they discovered unforeseen conditions that required further testing and potential modifications to the construction of the new trail. This testing is nearly complete. The District’s landscape architect expects to receive the information they need within the next week to determine if any changes are necessary.
  • Simultaneous with the start of MUD 364’s trail project, MUD 365 discovered that critical drainage infrastructure underneath the trails needs to be repaired and potentially replaced. To avoid costly repairs to newly poured trails, we have been forced to stop work on the trails while we determine the extent of the drainage repairs. MUD 364 is coordinating with MUD 365 to align the schedule for the drainage repair work with the remainder of MUD 364’s trail project.

While the Board understands the community’s frustration on the lengthy trail closure, please know that we continue to press the trail project contractor to work swiftly and are committed to keeping the community informed on the progress and timeline going forward.

Please refer back to this page for future updates on the project and timeline for reopening the trails. The Board will provide an updated general schedule for each phase in the next update.

By |November 15th, 2024|

Trails Project Update – Construction Set to Begin Soon!

Demolition of the entire MUD 364 trail system is complete and construction of Phase 1 of the new trail is set to begin within the next two weeks. As a reminder, the entire MUD 364 trail system remains closed until all phases of the project are complete. Please help us keep our project on track by adhering to the closure and staying out of fenced areas, for your safety and the safety of others.

The Board is aware that the sidewalk closure along Coles Crossing Drive, opposite Cypress Hall, has created an inconvenience for children walking and biking to Sampson. We have asked the contractor to complete that stretch of sidewalk as soon as possible to provide more space for pedestrians. We hope to have it reopened in about three weeks, weather permitting.

We will continue to post updates as the project progresses, so please check back regularly.

By |October 28th, 2024|

MUD 364 Trails Remain Closed Until Project Completion.


As a reminder, the entire MUD 364 trail system is currently closed while the District completes its Trail Improvements Project. The trails are fenced off while the contractor continues demolition of the existing trail and construction of the new trail. While work may not be actively in progress, the fenced area is part of the project site and residents must stay out of the area for their safety and the security of the project site.
The MUD 364 Board appreciates the community’s cooperation as the District works to improve a vital part of the community!

By |October 17th, 2024|

Trails Project

The Board of Directors is excited to announce the start of the District’s Trail Improvements Project!

The project will begin on September 16, 2024 and is anticipated to last about 6-months, pending any weather or unanticipated delays.

Demolition of the current trail will be done in three phases. The general schedule for each phase is detailed below; these dates are tentative and subject to change. The District will provide updates to the schedule when they become available.

  • Phase 1 (trail between Cypress Hall Drive and Coles Crossing Drive): September 28 – November 9
  • Phase 2 (trail between Tylermont Drive and Monteigne Lane): October 7 – December 23
  • Phase 3 (trail between Coles Crossing Drive and Latticevine Drive): October 26 – February 6

Please note that while demolition of the current trail will be completed in phases, the entire MUD 364 trail system will be closed until all phases are complete. FOR YOUR SAFETY, PLEASE DO NOT ACCESS THE TRAIL OR ANY CONSTRUCTION AREA UNTIL THE entire project is complete.

The District will provide periodic updates on this webpage and via text alerts.

Phase 1

Phase 2

Phase 3

Project Map

Project Renderings

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